How To Remove Grease Stains From Concrete Flooring
Posted on: 3 November 2015
Concrete flooring is an alternative type of flooring that is quickly becoming more popular for residential and commercial spaces. It carries with it a number of distinctive benefits, including durability, longevity, and low maintenance cleaning, and can be stained in a number of different shades and patterns. However, concrete flooring can be easily stained by grease and oil, which can leave unsightly blemishes on your floor if left untreated. Thankfully, there is a fairly simple method that you can use to remove stains from concrete flooring before it sets.
What You'll Need
You'll need sawdust, dry detergent, a stiff bristled brush, a garden hose, rubber gloves, a kettle and trisodium phosphate, which is a powerful cleaner. All of these items are available at most hardware stores if you do not already have them at home.
Removing Grease Stains from Concrete
Place sawdust on an oil or grease spill as soon as you can, in order to soak up as much excess liquid as possible. This reduces the size and degree of stain that will develop. Let the sawdust sit for at least an hour, and then sweep it up.
Apply the dry detergent liberally to the affected area, and let it sit for five minutes. Then, apply boiling water from the kettle on the area and scrub the floor vigorously with the stiff bristled brush. Rinse and repeat as needed.
It will usually take a few applications before the stain is completely removed from the concrete. However, if after several applications you are not seeing a change in the size or intensity of the stain, you will have to apply trisodium phosphate to the area.
Wearing rubber gloves and protective goggles is strongly recommended, as trisodium phosphate can damage your skin. It is also extremely important to ventilate the area you are working in well, as the fumes given off by trisodium phosphate are dangerous.
Sprinkle the trisodium phosphate on the areas of your floor that are still stained, and let it sit for a half hour. Then, apply more boiling water from the kettle and scrub with the brush until the stain has been removed. Repeat as needed, though a single application is usually more than enough.
Once the stain has been removed, use the garden hose to rinse the area that trisodium phosphate was used in thoroughly, and let it dry. Your concrete floor is now as good as new. For more information on concrete services, contact a company like Claggett & Sons Inc.